Wellness Blog

Internal use of Essential Oils

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Prolonged use brings a risk of burning of the mucous membranes, and possible upset of gut flora. Overconsumption can cause  possible liver or kidney toxicity.

Ways to use Essential Oils

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The most common uses are Direct inhalation (diffusers, heat, spritzers, steaming, baths); Secondary inhalation (cleaning products, air fresheners); and Topical application (salves, compresses or with massage).

Supplementary Services

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When you are ready to add some supplementary services, adding Energetic Therapy and/or acupuncture for releasing blockages, and massage for improved lymph flow are excellent supplements to your healthy diet and exercise program.

Good Fat

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Don't be afraid eat “good “ fats like raw nuts, avocados, coconut and olive oil, and even butter or ghee from grass fed cows!